Mushrooms etc

Mushrooms &? What does that mean? Well…Here on the farm we love to practice diversity. Not only do we cultivate 3 especially delicious fungi, Black Pearl Trumpet, Lion’s Mane, and Blue Oysters indoors, we also grow over 50 varieties of produce, herbs, and wild foods!

Here’s a glimpse at what we grow!


Sugar Snap Peas

Garden Giant Mushroom

Oyster Mushroom

Nettles - Radish - Green Onion

Vinegars and Salts

Collard Greens - Kale - Sage

Miner's lettuce - Parsley



Tomatoes -  Cauliflower

Carrots - Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Oyster Mushroom - Reishi Mushroom Fermented pantry items including Pickles, Sauerkraut, and Farmchi

Pole Beans - Dill - Cilantro

Cucumbers - Garlic

Onions - Cabbage

Zucchini - Bush Beans - Cucumbers

Peppers Sweet and Hot


Sweet Corn - Parsnips - Onion

Carrots - Potatoes - Melon

Pumpkin - Basil

Sweet and Hot Peppers

Cabbage - Apples - Blackberries

Wild and Cultivated Mushrooms