Grow Your Own Mushrooms Kits


How to Care for your Mushroom Grow Kit

1) Inside your box is a block that has been completely colonized by mushroom mycelium. It will look white and brown from the sawdust and mycelium.

2) Lift open the top of your box and, using a sharp knife, carefully cut an ‘X’ into the plastic surface. the x should be almost as wide as the top of the box. Fill a spray bottle with tap water and generously mist the plastic where you sliced your 'X' shape. Spray your kit at least twice daily. Grow your block out of direct sunlight as this will dry the block. we’ve found that a kitchen is an ideal location as it is visited often and is accessible to water. If your mushrooms start to grow but dry up and die, your growing conditions may be too dry and you should make a humidity tent with a produce or plastic bag!

3)The mushroom mycelium will sense the oxygen in the air start to make tiny pins in a matter of days. 

5) From start to finish you should see pinning and mushrooms starting to grow in under one week. Mushrooms prefer to grow in temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

6) After your mushroom has completely grown you can harvest. Harvesting your mushrooms is easy, and the best part! grab your mushrooms by the base and pull them away from the block. You may need a knife. Clean off all of the sawdust on the stems. Store your fresh mushrooms in the fridge if you can resist eating them all right away! Enjoy!